Ah i remember this movie!

I loved it! But found it slightly creepy. I was only 3!

Must buy it


'whats a dvd player? is it for pornography?!'


O i kno i haven't seen it since i was like 5 either! I want to get it sooo bad.

Where is your quote from, crazy_child_of_the_south?


Everybody Loves Raymond.


I have it too I live in holland. It has such setimental value I thought it was great!



hello i'm from holland too and i love it too. my email is: [email protected]


i wish i still had it. i wanna watch it again!

***~~¤ I lOvE hAnSoN! ¤~~***

***~~¤I lOvE gReEn DaY¤~~***




i also havebt seen it since i was 5, i was 3 when i first saw it, my sis just got it down from the loft, i love the song! and who dose the voise of the boy?

think fairy, think again
rum runner!
errrm... potter fan


I have this movie. I was also 3 when I saw it and today I felt the urge to look it up. The goblins use to scare me.


I got this movie from the free rentals section at Pick 'N Save or Ron 'N Lloyds or some supermarket in town and when we watched it, my mom had one of her friends over. The only part I remember too clearly was when a female goblin had a hula-hoop-like ring that had fallen around her stomach just under her chest, my mom and her friend Vicky couldn't stop laughing and made us rewind it so they could laugh at it again, even though we (being my sister and I) really wanted to see how it ended. I don't know what made me think of it yesterday, but I just had the urge to look it up today.

-MattsGirl6093, Girlfriend to Matt H. since 12 June 2002


My GODS!!!

you're all making me feel like a JUVENILE DILEQUENT~!

it came out on VHS when I was 27 and was I waiting for it remembered reading in some of the SiFi mags about it being in production!

have a few of MacDonalds novels....this one and it's sequal read them in Highschool....so really wanted to see how it was going to be done on screen....Just found the DVD last month and have had the VHS since 94



it was one of my favorite movies when i was a kid
i just found it and watched it yesterday and i decided to look it up
i hadnt seen it since i was a little kid either


omg i used to watch this EVERY time i slept over my friend Steph's house, up untill about 2nd grade.... god i can believe i found it here!


I also used to watch it over and over again, but my mother absolutely hated it and I think she gave it away. :( Thinking about it now, it was a really silly, disugsting movie, but in a good way.

