Favorite characters

My favorite character is Froglip. Since I was young, I had a huge crush on him. He was cute and though a villain, he was a great leader. I still have that crush.


OMG! I have always had a crush on him too! Every since I first saw the movie, which was when I was like three! I'm totally amazed. I thought I was the only one!




Mmm.. froglip.. Gosh, he's still sexy. Something about that little cover-up underwear thing, heh heh.



i personally liked to make fun of the ireney...
i mean come on.
her name is ireney,
she has a cat called "turnip"
and that scene when she sits down crying cuz she didn't think of moving the rocks
so turnip does.
its hilarious




That ultra-cute cat never speaks, (A breath of fresh air compaired to other aninal sidekicks who talk for no apparet reason) But his thoughts are shown clearly by facial expression.

The Nanny interrupts when Curdy and Irene nearly kiss, and Turnip does this annoyed glare over his sholder. Love it!



Oh Turnip, I LUV you!!


I used to have a cat names turnip.He ran away.i still see him occasionally.
My favorite people are
the grandmother
The goblin Cat
And some of you people were in love with Froglip???I was in love with Crudy! I wanted to shoot him!

I've been sent to spread the message....God Bless Texas!




Oh YEAH!! I forgot about the mouse!

I've been sent to spread the message....God Bless Texas!


Curdie was like the first boy i ever fancied, i told my mum i wanted to marry him when i was 6 years old! Its that song he sings in the forest at the beginning, melts me every time!


I love the Goblin Queen voiced by Peggy Mount, she reminds me of one of my aunts, i can't say which becasue that aunt might read this !!


omg i know
i just watched the movie last night
and it was first time in at least 5 years
and i was thinking
"can she be that stupid that she doesnt know to just move the rocks??????"



YES HEHEH I LOVE HIM TOO. HEHE...MY FAV GOBLINS FROGLIP (Though at the time I thought was Toadward this name) And David Bowie's Jareth dool.


he's my favorite charachter from the movie too! ;} i adore him. he's sexy and cute isnt he? btw is this movie on dvd?



God froglip turns me on like hell. If he asked me to marry him i would do it in a instant. I'm in love with him since i was 12 and i'm 26 now. Btw do you have msn? Mine is: [email protected] add me if you want i would like to become friends.


oh my! i always had a crush on him too! and i still have it! wow! and i was just 13 years old and when i first saw that movie i constantly watched it.


YES ME TOO I when I was young you know parents play with you heh well I made my mom, play him and kidnap hehe aww :-p yea good times am so sick hehe.


I'm a little worried for you guys who fancy Froglip. I hated Froglip, he creeped me out alot. I love Turnip. In the beginning when Curdie is singing the goblins pets away the cat moves his head to the music and it's so cute! Plus, he looks a little bit like my cat. I also like the giant snail thing that makes a gurgly noise. I felt bad for it when they whipped it to go faster.


Favorite was the Goblin Cat. Thought he was really cool looking. The part was cute when Ireney thought the Goblin Cat was Turnip while sleeping. You could hear him purr when she petted him (-:


Turnip. No contest. Totally cute cat and the expressions he made were fantastic.

Side note: crush on Froglip? He always grossed me out. I liked Curdie. Something adorable about him.

