Whatever happened to everyone?

I heard that Verna Heath & her husband later got a divorce. What happened to the girls, Amber & Shanna, who would be young adults by now. Did Wanda Holloway stay married to her wealthy husband, who apparently stood by her throughout the trial and all the publicity? What does Wanda do now?


I am from Channelview, Texas. My sister was in the same grade as Shanna and Amber. My best friend's mother is really good friends with Wanda. Wanda and her husband are still married, as far as I know. Shanna is married with children. So is Amber. Verna Heath in my opinion is not well liked throughout Channelview. I never cared for her. I had to deal with her, as Amber and I were both in band together. Verna was very involved in everything Amber did. She got on everyone's nerves...and probably still does!


I don't know much, except that my mother-in-law is friends with Wanda and claims she got divorced, and that while serving her sentence was introduced to another wealthy man who had seen her on television and wanted to meet her. She has a toilet with gold vinework inside of it...odd, I know.


I always wondered if Verna Heath was disliked in real life as it mentioned in the movies. I saw a documentary on the case back in 2002 or 2003 in which Verna was interviewed and for she came off as annoying and seemed to have a "too good for everyone" attitude She also talked about her son had cancer or something. I also found this article about Terry's death in 2005 that gives some updates.
http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl//3327266.html and I also found Verna Heath's website in which she promotes her PrePaidLegal business http://www.vernaheath.com/


People Magazine is releasing a story this week where Shanna tells her side of how she loathed cheerleading and her mother wanting it more than her. She also talks about the panic and anxiety attacks she had for years on end. She's now a school teacher and married with children. Thank God she is doing well, as she was a victim in all of this.



I saw this today (which lead me here): http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2098473/Wanda-Holloway-s-daughter-Shanna-breaks-silence-Texas-Cheerleading-murder-plot.html


Verna kinda gave off a holier-than-thou attitude. The somewhat only likeable person was CD and who else felt bad for him being married to WH?
