sex scenes

pretty racy for a film not wanting to be soft-core porn. A couple of scenes actually look like Pare and Carrerra are actually having sex!


barbara carrera was very very sexy and unbelievable beautiful in this movie

she is still a stunning and beautiful babe at the age of 54

i am just 20 and i think she is still one of the most beautiful women in the world.

i don't mind go sexing with her


barbara carrera was very very sexy and unbelievable beautiful in this movie

she is still a stunning and beautiful babe at the age of 54

i am just 20 and i think she is still one of the most beautiful women in the world.

i don't mind go sexing with her


The sex scenes are extremely hot and very erotic. It does look that they are actually having real sex in the film. It's a typical B-movie but worth watching just for the love-making acts of Michael Pare and Barbara Carrera. They had a terrific chemistry and their romance looked good on screen.


You should have seen the stuff that was cut out like the genital mutilations scene.

Nothing exists more beautifully than nothing.



Had to tell us twice, huh?

I'm the saddle.



Michael Pare was a lucky guy

I must become someone else. I must become something else.


She was lucky lady. I wouldn't mind doimg Parè.
