
I'm all for it, but Harvey Keitel and Holly Hunter? - No thank you! I liked seeing Sam Neil's ass, but I would have preferred to see his package over Harvey's.


Harvey's package wasn't bad at all, considering the designs. I think he's a handsome man.

Why ain't you at the garden party you heathen?


When Holly Hunter bent over after taking her clothes I thought she had a fantastic arse.


I remember reading from the screenplay that Baines is supposed to be younger than Stewart, but fifty-four-year-old Harvey Kietel, who's older than Sam Neil, is playing the role of a character younger than Neil's? :P




I did not feel the sex was graphic at all...realistic looking without showing anything yes...graphic no.


And, indeed, she has a lovely body. Perfect breasts.



"I bet he's well endowed."

Upon what do you base this bet? Because he has a handsome face? Because he has a "perfect" ass? There's no correlation.


Holly Hunter is a natural beauty. Get over it.


I liked the fact that these characters were real, not airbrushed perfect 10's, after all, this was 19th century New Zealand. As for Harvey, my goodness, he was like the statue of David brought to life. I found his realness very appealing.Pardon the pun, but his full frontal was a very ballsy thing to do. Simply amazing.



I just kept wondering if you could air brush film?? They seemed pretty perfect to me.

An independent mind is difficult to enslave.


I loved the realism of it all. I don't know why you were expecting tanned models who looked like they came from Beverly Hills. It kind of turned me on how he just walked out with his penis hanging out. Sue me.
