MovieChat Forums > The Piano (1994) Discussion > I read somewhere that Paquin's father di...

I read somewhere that Paquin's father didnt let her see the movie..

Did you know that?



Shame about the music, eh...



Oh Dorisa, how can you say that the pieces were 'lovely'? Nyman may well be classified as a minimalist composer, but surely with him it only refers to his talent. Awful awful awful...

I'm sure the film has its merits, whether in acting or directing, but I really couldn't savour them due to the cheapness of the score. I could never get my head round the fact that she got so much from playing what she was playing, like someone experiencing olfactory orgasms from smelling a wet dog.

...but please don't let me spoil your enjoyment of it, I'm sure I couldn't anyway...



I do yes, it's just north of Antarctica & south of New Caledonia. I doubt I'll be visiting.

That's a reasonable excuse as to her ignorance I suppose, but it still doesn't help me...I can't separate the music from the imagery. Many a decent film has been ruined by a poor score...Morricone springs to mind...& you'd have thought with a title like The Piano Ms. Campion would have made sure the instrument's potential sonorities were at least well catered for. Never mind.

Musically viable musicals? Hmmm - I like The Sound of Music (film), particularly with Irwin Kostal on board to beef-up the arrangements, & can happily watch most of Singin' In The Rain...again as Nacio Herb Brown's music was so expertly developed by Conrad Salinger, & because I enjoy watching Kelly dance.

I'm not really a theatre person at all...I get too distracted...


fud-slush for me this music is one of the bests and it totaly diserves the Oscar. I believe in the category best score there are the most snubs like in 2002 The Hours didnt win the Oscar.


Sounds weird to win an Oscar for a movie and you havent seen the movie.



Makes sense. She was way to young for it when it first came out. Plus, she could probably understand and appreciate it better once she was older.


Doesn't surprise me a bit. Would it surprise you?


The music was FLAWLESS.


No it just sounds strange winning an Oscar for a movie and you havent seen it yet.


Has she seen it since then ?. I'm assuming she has.


Lol!! Ofcourse. And I'd love to know her and Stephen Moyers' reactions :))

I have no just enjoy over 2000 videos


Of course she has seen it since then, I assume. She also stars in True Blood now so what's the hesitation? lol

Cause its international!!!


i'm not sure what's strange about her not seeing the film after winning the oscar. she was 11 when this film was released, would you let an 11-year old watch this?
