MovieChat Forums > The Piano (1994) Discussion > Who has this film in his top 20?

Who has this film in his top 20?

I'm asking because this films is one of the films that you dont see it generaly in people's favorite lists.

It's one of the unigue films in my list and right now it's my 2nd favorite movie.



Dorisa what do you feel having this movie in your list?

PS i'm interested, please, i would apriciate that.



It's definitely on my top list!

I think she's the saddest girl ever to hold a martini.


I have a top 250. The Piano ranks #242, go Paquin!


Yes it's in my top 20, definitely one that stays with you.

L'enfer, c'est les autres


It's on my list!


You made a mistake when you said HIS top twenty. This is a chick flick, pure and simple.

reply opposed to what, a dick flick?
This is NOT a chick flick dumbass.

I think she's the saddest girl ever to hold a martini.




It is my # 4 film of all my time (after Citizen Kane, Cries and Whispers and Chinatown), though it sometimes competes for that spot with Naked, In the Mood For Love and There Will Be Blood.

Any way The Piano is one of the greatest films ever made. Holly Hunter's performances is one for the ages and the film is exquisitely written and directed. It is a masterpiece.

By the way, it is not a "chick" film as some people suggest. Grow up, for god's sake. Being man or woman has nothing to do with liking this film. It is art at its purest and its best, plain and simple.


It's always been my number one. I stopped speaking after if came out-I drove my parents nuts with that. I was still in high school when I saw's never let me go.....


My #1, but it's a personal thing for me, not one I usually share. I have a list of faves, let's say a top 10 etc with no numbers assigned, but The Piano will always be #1.
