MovieChat Forums > The Piano (1994) Discussion > the Last Movie Kurt Cobain watched

the Last Movie Kurt Cobain watched

apparently this film as he last film Kurt watched before his death.....NO WONDER, wat a piece of crap. a disgusting film that tries to exonerate rape, and contains charcters who are all peices of *beep* and none of which deserve any sympathy.

Alisdair can't deal with women. hes been lonely in the jungle and expects a submissive wife. besides this he is also a voyeurist, attempted rapist, and mutilator. oh did i mention kidnapper?

Baines- likes to blackmail women by taking their most prized possensions and to force them into his company. now dont worry hell "agree" to give u it back if you do sexual favors on a key by key basis.Now i am warning u handjobs will gt you 2, blowjobs 3.. so choose seems baines admires her abilities to play, as well as her physic, as can be seen in the multiple scenes where he sexually assualts her while she plays. Lets get this clear at first it was non-consenaul, baines had no way of knowing her thoughts and she was very uncomfortable.

I dont care is baines "freed" her, liberated her whatever by the end of the film both from her ex husband but also other restraints. However imagine she never ended up sharing his feelings. Imagine by the end of the film we just have a man who sexually used her and she never returned the sentiment.. well this happened, the first tonnes of times it happened.. whether or not she does in the end doesnt mean *beep* this seems to be too close for me to the mental condition that people develop whilst kidnapped sometimes. And Ada's circumstances resemble this remarkedly. she was vulnerable, not in control of her own actions of enviroment (her hubby or baines controlled her) and evenetually she was sexually touched by him

Ada is an audultery women who immediately knows she will never love let alone like Alisdar, and yet continues to go on with the charade, hurting alisda (by cheating), her child by putting her through that (seeing her mom and baines have sex, seeing her moms hand get chopped ect) and finally baines by playing the "hussy" and agreeing to do as he asked, leading him on.

Now im not saying she should not have done this, but what i am saying is that by her sticking to one path, all this would have been avoided.. had she jsut fled and left with baines, or stayed with alisdair only, none of this would have happened.

and whats with the gay butt carrassing scene.. in film class i could not keep it together. in the auditorium with 300 people i burst out laughing. infact this wasnt the first time, nor was i the only one.

a creepy, sick sick movie.. screw you campion for killing Kurt, and my love of movies... after reading that fun fact about Cobain.. everything starts to make a tonne more sense. If i saw that movie, on drugs, expecting a good time, only to see that. id take the easy train too.

The easy train would be alot better than this movie.


"gay" butt caressing scene? I only saw man-to-woman and woman-to-man butt caressing. Did you see an extended cut of the movie?


Ada's finger, not hand, was amputated. And as for Jane Campion "killing" Kurt Cobain, I can imagine Kurt saying "Oh, PLEASE!" from beyond the grave.


lol what a stupid post. Campion and this film had nothing to do with his death. That film could have been in the machine for ages or he may not have been able to watch it. Also, just in case you're not aware, some people feel that Cobain was murdered...don't think you can be shot by a video but in looking at all the other comments you put in here, I'm not sure you are smart enough to figure that out.

No, there are no 'gay butt' caressing scenes in this film either. Obviously you're a useless troll. DING. Thanks for playing.

A lot of alliteration from anxious anchors placed in powerful posts!


People think Cobain was murdered but there's always a conspiracy theory surrounding the death of every celebrity. It's how fans come to terms with it.


I don't know the total ins and outs of the case but I do believe homicide was considered but the OP's stupid implication that this film killed Cobain is probably one of the most insane 'theories' I've heard for quite some time.

RIP Philip Seymour Hoffman 1967-2014... a tremendously great and talented actor.



Wait a minute...where do you get a hold of the gay butt scenes?

Censorship is advertising paid by the government.


Ian Curtis the lead singer of Joy Division watched the movie Strosek the night before he committed suicide. He also had Iggy Pop's "The Idiot" on his record player. What does any of this mean? Probably no more than Cobain watching this one.

