MovieChat Forums > Philadelphia (1994) Discussion > Andy's testimony isn't congruent with hi...

Andy's testimony isn't congruent with his legal skills.

Fairly self-explanatory, but I feel like Andy would have torn the defense too bits had he really been the top flight legal aid he professed to be.

This film has a good heart, but is a little sloppy and dumb.


The man was practically dead when he finally testified. He had neither the strength or the focus to be at the top of his game


i can see the POV of both of you. Andy's illness at the time of his testimony was undoubtedly taking a toll mentally, but I, too, thought Andy's direct testimony was a little too sophomoric at times to be taken seriously. When asked about his passion for law and what makes him good, he says, "I love the law. I know the law..." Please, how rudementary.

Yes he was so ill, but he had done so much prep, there was no reason for him to have had such bland answers. He didn't sound like a crackerjack lawyer at moments, and I blame the writers, not that the character was getting more ill (especially because that illness didn't include brain symptoms).
