Best DVD or Blu-ray Version?

I'm looking to add this movie to my collection, but I've seen several different versions of this movie on home video and I was wondering if I could get some insight from you guys. Which version is the best? I'm open to DVD or Blu-ray and just want to make sure I get the best one! Thanks in advance!


I strongly recommend the 20th anniversary blu-ray, which also has a DVD in the package.

Trailer For My Second Feature


The 20th anniversary edition is pretty great. The picture quality is amazing, the sound is outstanding, and the special features are also noteworthy (the best being a commentary with Tim Burton, Danny Elfman, and Henry Selick and a tour of Disneyland's Haunted Mansion Holiday). The only downside is that it doesn't have all the special features that the original Special Edition had back in 2000, such as animation tests with Henry Selick's commentary. But if you just want it for the movie, go with the 20th anniversary Blu-ray.


The movie is pretty cool in 3D as well - I'm not saying it's essential, but stop-motion lends itself really well to 3D.
