reminds me of....

hey actually 3/4 done reading this book, and it has been a great joy to read, i must say-- and i look forward to watching the film afterward...but before i began reading it, my mom (an avid mystery buff and published suspense novelist) and I both regarded it as being somewhat similar to one of our favorite films, "Something Wicked This Way Comes" (starring Jonathan Price). anyone agree, disagree,etc?




I just got done watching Something Wicked This Way Comes. You are so on the money. I have a feeling that King wrote Needful Things in homage to Bradbury. If I remember correctly King is a huge Bradbury fan. For him to replicate a Bradbury story like this makes sense. I definitely have to do some more looking into this. But it is nice to know that I'm not the only one to see the connection.


Friday the 13th the series, same kinda story points the Devil and antiques. Other than that they don't have much in common.


Yeah Stephen King is a huge bradbury fan.


It reminded me of Salem's Lot. Just twisted a little.

Don't wander into abandend churches for Czakyr will grab you from underneath the watery grave.
