The Comedy Cop

When the cop takes the megaphone and does stand up comedy, whats the actors name?


Check the full cast credits on this website, I know his characters name is Officer Davies.


It's Phil Hartman, and everybody everywhere should have known that!


aka Lionel Hutz. Sadly no longer with us

"I have many leather bound books and my flat smells of rich mahogony..."


Truly a great man.


You might remember him from such films...

"I'll not be threatened by a walking meatloaf!"



Man, only the greatest soul to ever grace the earth and skies. You are now with the angels Phil, your memory lives on.


Phil Hartman was the best. :]


THIS IS IMDB!! Get what I'm hinting at ??


No. ???????

A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have.


The fact that this site was specifically designed so that you can find out whatever you want about T.V. shows, Movies etc therefore you don't need to ask dumb questions like what an actors name was who played such & such or what else they've been in, Just look it up on here.
Hopefully even your dumb ass will get it now "funny" guy.


Here's a clue...

You might remember him from such films as 'P is for Psycho' and 'The President's neck is Missing!'

RIP Phil. One of the funniest actors I've ever seen.
