Snow Cone?

That part when the Kathy Ireland character (before she looked like herself) is making an ice sculpture and asks "anybody for a snow cone?" has to be one of the funniest scenes in this movie. I'm talking about Sam Jackson's reaction to the question. He jumps up with a sort of manic glee and rushs over as fast as can be.

For me this is the funniest scene in the movie. Lots of scenes come close but I didn't laugh as hard as when that one scene played itself out. I think the reason the scene worked is because you usually don't see Sam Jackson act like that in any movie he's been in.



ye it's funny as hell :) especially since she just hacked the ice away like crazy with murderous intent.


~ That scene was so hilarious. From that woman's looks from her hacking at the ice and turning it into a lovely ice sculpture. Don't forget about the green scum stuck on her teeth.



"A prayer for the wild at
heart kept in cages

— Tennessee Williams
[American Playwriter]


He jumps up with a sort of manic glee and rushs over as fast as can be.

Yeah, that's great.

For me this is the funniest scene in the movie.

I gotta go with Shoot him! Shoot him, shoot him, shoot him!

Another one that really cracks me up is when Colt stops by Luger's house to see what a loving family is like. The whole scene is great, repeating 5th grade, the wife bringing home the assistant produce manager, but mainly it's what's going on when he's at the table... The smile on that kid's face is awesome.
