Deleted Ghost Scene

I remember as a kid there was a deleted scene near the end I think, where Colt was killed and his ghost escaped his body and the shadow demons from the movie "Ghost" started coming after him and he said something like "Screw this!" and got back into his body. I'm almost positive that was in this movie but since I can't find mention of it anywhere I'm asking if anyone else remembers this scene.


That scene is in this movie. I think they show the scene when the movie plays on TV.

Either feed me or feed me to something.I just want to be a part of the food chain


Sadly, this is one of several on a list of great scenes that only show up when it's aired on TV. The TV version of this movie is MUCH funnier than the DVD version. I have no idea why so many of the great scenes were cut (and only added later to stretch runtime).


Sadly, this is one of several on a list of great scenes that only show up when it's aired on TV. The TV version of this movie is MUCH funnier than the DVD version. I have no idea why so many of the great scenes were cut (and only added later to stretch runtime).

Someone was probably getting paid for how much running there was. Like the original TV version of SUPERMAN: THE MOVIE, isn't that like over 3 hours long? Those darn producers.

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