MovieChat Forums > Naked (1994) Discussion > That bloke Johnny is an idiot

That bloke Johnny is an idiot

Why on Earth didn't he let his girlfriend take him back to Manchester at the end?! He was obviously in a very bad way and wouldn't have got very far on that foot, so why did he even entertain the notion of trying to sneak off? In all likelihood, he will die on the streets with his injuries, and that £380 pounds wouldn't last him for very long. He had a chance at a half-decent life, and he blew it. A real intellectual he is. NOT.

I'm not a troll. What you see above is what I actually feel. Take it or leave it, bub.


So unrealistic.

I know you are, you said you are, but what am I?


Whether or not Johnny's life would be better is debatable. What's certain is that his girlfriend would be MUCH worse off with Johnny! So by taking off on his own he's actually doing what's best for both of them. //my 2 cents


A half-decent life in Manchester holds absolutely no appeal for Johnny, who has a self-destructive streak a mile wide. Plus, many, many, many people in this world make choices that seem irrational or ill-advised. It's all part of the human condition. You make your choices and you pay the price.

"I don't want any Commies in my car. No Christians, either."


Johnny is basically a mouthy loser.

I have met his sort before. He is clearly not stupid or devoid of intellectual curiosity. His problem is that he has no ability to stick at things which require a modicum of discipline. Instead, he prefers to justify his laziness by coming up with theories about the imminent demise of mankind and by putting others down for actually making an effort in life.

I really liked this film because this character actually exists in real life. I have met him and he was a loser that would run away from anything that was a bit difficult. He would also steal, lie and be aggressive and rude.

Johnny has a sense of humour and ability but in the end he is a waster.


You make that sound like a bad thing.


I think what we've seen from Johnny's character is that he can't stay too long in a place. He get's distracted, restless, and frustrated quite easily. Yet he still needs Louise.

I think people are thinking too deeply about the ending to this film. He'll most probably leave for a while, get himself into another mess, and when all is lost go back to Manchester. He'll meet with her and then leave again.

