The title

Any particular reason why it's called Naked?




I think maybe because like someone said "even if we deny it, we all have a little bit of Johnny inside us". So, we see in Johnny the true, real, "naked" human being. Above all, Johnny is human and we can see ourselves in his character. Just my interpretation.



I like all these answers.

Nakedness is also revealed in the way Johnny's always probing for the weaknesses of other people, their nakedness. That's his only avocation besides reading, it seems. Makes him feel less naked, less inadequate that way.

But the final word, perhaps, belongs to Mike Leigh, who once said that "Naked itself is supposed to connote the "Naked Ape", the sense that humanity has not evolved all that far as yet from its primate (cruel) instincts."


> But the final word, perhaps, belongs to Mike Leigh, who once said that
> "Naked itself is supposed to connote the "Naked Ape", the sense that
> humanity has not evolved all that far as yet from its primate (cruel)
> instincts."

Monkey references abound: "monkey wrench", "mate/primate", "the monkey with the beard", "the mammal to monkey, the monkey to man: amo amas amat", "monkey see, monkey do", "cheeky young monkey", "a small chimpanzee with a bigger gizmo", "did you see any monkeys?"

Tangent: I enjoyed the joke about Sandra's Catholicism and "her idea of interior design".
