LuAnne Ponce

I thought LuAnne Ponce did a terrific job in her portrayal of Laurisa Annello. Strange that she didn't really act much afterwards.
She had great onscreen prescence, beauty, and charisma.

Anyone know why she didn't get more roles?

"I offer you this heart, my soul, my love."
- Legend


I agree; I would like to see her in more movies and TV shows.

She's very pretty! Heck, she's gorgeous! She can eat crackers in my bed anytime!


Stoshie, Re: your comment, "She can eat crackers in my bed anytime!" ?????? Why don't guys get it that comments like that aren't going to attract women to you? It's one step above "I'd Do her". Geesh.


Wow! She's totally delicious and that body of hers? Perfect for tasting!
