
something bout this movie scared the bejeesus out of me when i saw it as a kid, and as a consequence i haven't watched it since, lol. Can someone maybe tell me why it freaked me out so much?


It could be the part when he first got hit by the meteor and his face was all bloody and melted or the part where he was catching bullets at superspeed, but he was losing his powers then and his hand was covered in his own blood....



I was 7 when this movie released and it scared me also. I think it might be seeing all those Black men and kids in blonde hightops. But I like Lonesakus' theory also.


Yeah, I'm black myself but seeing black men with super-bleached blond hair freaks me out to this day. Demolition Man was the same way.

But the bloody melting might have done it too.



OMG lol I'm not the only one. When I was little I saw this and it scared me also. I think it was those golden lords that scared me so much. I watch it now and I'm like wtf? not scary at all they are a joke lol.

Lonely Chicago pie
