MovieChat Forums > The Meteor Man (1993) Discussion > This film answers an important question

This film answers an important question

There is a scene near the end where Bill Cosby opens a door and dogs proceed to come out of the room behind the door, thus answering the question of "who let the dogs out?"


wow........ and I thought I was going to be enlightened

Mom: "This book is heavy!"
Me: "It's an English book..."


I think you were. I think we all were.



There is no off position on the genius switch.


When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...



I thought you were going say "why there aren't more black superhero movies?", lol. The cast was great, the effort applaudable, the message extremely important, however, this has to be more of the most cheesy movies I've ever seen. I still haven't seen it all the way through to this day (it was on local KTLA channel 5 this afternoon, while "Christine" was on AMC- talk about flashbacks!; plus NFL football, etc...) I know this movie is better than Shazam!, Steel, and has a stronger social message than "Hancock", but still... lol

EDIT: That's not including the "Blade" series, by the way.


Liked what you were pointing out although I was not huge fan of most of those but did go see Hancock and ironically I'm one of those who did enjoy it. But far as OP goes

Classic joke



So now instead of "Who, who who who?" we can say "Bill, Bill Cos-by"



I just about fell out of my chair! Good point!
