
I wonder if how many other movies have had such a strong black cast. James Earl Jones, Bill Cosby, Marla Gibb, Eddie Griffin, Robert Townsend, Robert Guillame, and sooo many more. Its incredible.



Yes, it was probably a once-in-a-lifetime cast, which makes the fact that the movie itself sucks so hard such a tragedy.



Why would anybody read what you wrote? Have you ever heard of paragraphs, that's plural by the way. Some writer you are.


I think you read a little too much into a movie that had no depth at all, it was cliche emotion, I didn't see any amazing performance in the movie. I agree it was amazing with the cast and all, but it was sad that nothing remotely spectacular came out of it. Very sad really.


i think the ,cerabal capacity for seeing more than is there is astounding, it was pretty lame if watchable ,


don't forget Don Cheadle and a cameo by the late great Luther Vandross.

Champagne for my real friends, real pain for my sham friends.


this movie was meant for kids, and as such, was an amazing movie. I remember being in 5th grade and absolutely lovin everything about this movie. The concept is not to try and get an oscar, but to make kids stay away from drugs, stay away from gangs, and for once, have a good respectable black superhero. he was meant to be a superhero for kids who got tired of seein the 50s version of superman, or the 70s version of batman without anyone talkin about the real problems of the day. if y'all can't understand this, then y'all are some retarded people.


I agree with nnazem, this movie had a very important point. It doesn't take a superhero to clean up a community. all it takes is time and patience. talk to your kids and raise their awareness to drugs and gangs. This was probably one of the best (black) movies ever...


I agree - and the film wasn't stereotypical either. There was no ebonics talk, no offensive african american portrayals, no racism. It was a very respectable film


He who is without sin, go find some. We can't wait all night.


Townsend did manage to find roles for just about every black actor working in Hollywood in's a shame that, for the most part, their roles were pretty silly. James Earl Jones' role was particularly embarrassing...he must have done it as a favor to Townsend or he really needed the money or he replaced another actor at the ninth hour.



I stand corrected...I meant the 11th hour. Feel better now?


yeah this had a great cast but totally wasted,why they didnt use another actor to portray meteor man i'll never know.


I hear he was chosen by both the writer *and* the director. Pure nepotism....


OH my boys ANOTHER BAD CREATION was in this movie, that's why i got it in the first place, then never regreted it, it was hilarious!!! man some people just don't find humor in nothing!!


There are "Black" films like this that have come out. Ice Cube has put out a ton of em' "Are We There Yet", "Barber shop", "Lottery Ticket". The truth is that Black films don't have the margin of error that other's do.

Im the Alpha and the Omoxus. The Omoxus and the Omega


only John Amos was missing


Even Luther Vandross was apart of this movie.

I'm trying to think of one where there was a bunch of well known black actors I want to say Crookyln or I'm gonna get you sucka.

