MovieChat Forums > Menace II Society (1993) Discussion > Too many people don't realize O-dog

Too many people don't realize O-dog

Went to jail! I didn't catch it the 1st time or even the 2nd time I watched, but I caught it and I've known this for like 15yrs now. I'm shocked at how many people still don't know this after multiple viewings. During Caine's last naration, you see O-dog being forced into a police car. Its very brief and tossed in between a few flashbacks, but its NOT a flashback. Notice he's wearing the same clothes he wore when Caine was killed. Its the same day!

So for those who are mad he wasn't killed, please know that he went to prison. Probably for life.


Are you sure it wasn't a flashback to when they got arrested for trying to steal the car in the garage?


I saw that too, the first time I watched it. My impression was that it was a 'new' scene, not a flashback.
I don't recall that scene from when they were arrested. As the scene plays, we hear Caine saying "In the end, it all catches up with you."
Plus Chauncey sent the robbery tape to the police didn't he?
They were probably very familiar with O-Dog, and could find & arrest him.

EDIT: I found this quote on a "Menace II Society" trivia page:
O-Dog, who is arrested in the end of the film.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


Plus Chauncey sent the robbery tape to the police didn't he?
They were probably very familiar with O-Dog, and could find & arrest him.

Yep, that is why O-Dog was hesitant to move when Stacey was yelling for him to get help as Caine lay dying in his arms.


That was particularly callous of Stacey. Caine was O-Dog's best friend. It would have only been appropriate for him to be at Caine's side during Caine's final moments. Stacey might have believed O-Dog was partially to blame for Caine's demise but Stacey didn't exactly do anything to intervene. Sharif was the only member of their entourage with any fundamental decency.


Good catch on the clothes. When Caine gets killed, he's wearing a black shirt with a white undershirt in sight. That's what he was wearing at the end when he gets put into the police car.

I had always thought it was a flashback to when they got arrested stealing the car, because I figured it was Caine's dying thoughts/flashback.

Rewatching it now, O-Dog is wearing a black shirt when he steals the car. I don't see any white undershirt.


Dang, the Hughes Brothers just love throwing Larenz Tate in jail. I call profiling!

Seriously though, anyone else think that O-Dog would be eaten alive in jail? Sure he's a crazy, sadistic SOB, but would the little fella amount to much without his hair-triger Glock by his side? I think Tate's ex-recon character in Dead Presidents would stand a much better chance at coming out on top than O-Dog would.


I was just watching this movie this pass weekend. And I too just picked up on that. Chauncey turned in the robbery tape because he got his tail beat which lead to him getting arrested. So yea O-dog prob went to Prison for a very long time. Which is where he needed to be with how crazy he was


I caught it later too but after I caught the scene prior to the shoutout when their friends mail the tape to the police. That is why he is arrestd it's for the convenient store murder.


You guys didn't catch that the firs time? O-dog is 16 on deathrow


Even without the film showing that, it would be pretty clear that O-Dog's days on the street were numbered. Unlike Caine, who might have had a chance, had he gotten away from the influence of his surroundings, Dog was destined to be done in. He was far too nonchalant about showcasing the video of him killing two people in cold blood. Once the cops got the tape, it was just a matter of time before he got locked up.
Like Facebook page for my first feature film.


Maybe O-Dog went to jail, but he'll be back! They can't keep him down, because he has more heart and more soul than Caine or anybody else in the whole story! He cannot die! He cannot know defeat! O-Dog! O-Dog! O-Dog!

"Your next challenge is always your biggest." Joe Namath


Hell if DoughBoy can become Triple X, O-dog can come back.


I've always caught that little scene and I assumed that this was a flashback to when they were both taken by the cops and beaten, not a flash forward scene. A flash forward scene wouldn't have made sense given that the others in that montage were flashbacks.


That was sloppy editing. It was confusing because Caine's life was flashing before his eyes, and in the middle of it they decided to show a glimpse of O-Dog getting arrested at night. I'm sure everyone thought it was a moment from when they got caught stealing the car.


That was sloppy editing. It was confusing because Caine's life was flashing before his eyes, and in the middle of it they decided to show a glimpse of O-Dog getting arrested at night. I'm sure everyone thought it was a moment from when they got caught stealing the car.

I completely agree and I thought it was the theft arrest too since the shot was so quick. Thinking that, I was annoyed that O Dog was still alive at the end of the film when the whole film was foreshadowing the demise of both him and Caine. I didn't know it was a flash forward until I read it on here and rewatched it. I liked the film much more after I realized O Dog did get arrested.
Also good pointing out that it's on the same day Caine was killed by his clothes.


UK viewer here, so maybe some people from the US would be able to clear something up about US jail terms for minors. O-Dog is 16/17 I believe, at the time of the murders. Here in the UK, minors that commit crimes may very well receive a reduced sentence simply due to being minors. Granted, for a double murder they would still receive a lengthy sentence, but maybe not as much as an adult. Are there similar rules in the US? Also, what is the minimum age at which someone can receive the death penalty? A previous poster commented along the lines of "16 and on death row", that seems kind of young....


Late response but It depends on a few things. The state - which is California in this case which has the Death Penalty. Depends a number of factors on how O-dog will be sentenced. Whether he'll be tried as an adult who knows, what representation he has in the way of defense, I doubt anyone would come to his support for testimony, the judge presiding and more.

If he doesn't get capital punishment, he assuredly go away for life w/o parole juvenile or otherwise if that evidence sticks.
