Sound Problems

I've gotten two copies of this movie through my Blockbust Total Access, and the sound on both of them does not work. There's sound in the DVD Play Menu, but upon starting the movie.. nothing works as far as sound goes. It's the strangest thing!

My xbox plays all other games and movies I've had so far, with no problem. I dust it regularly, and the dvds do not appear to be damaged.

Just wondering if anyone has had problems with the DVD version of this movie.


Is your Celestial Clockwork DVD from Strand Releasing? I've had plenty of problems with my copy, including the fact that the menu screen is almost impossible to get working. It will allow you to select PLAY but not SCENE SELECTIONS. Looks like a shoddy production job all around here.

I didn't make the world! I barely live in it! - Oscar Levant
