
I remember watching this with my parents when it first came out on video a million years ago

it scared the sh!t outta me!

R.O.D the tv...nuff said


A million years? Don't you think that's over doing it a bit. You and your parents weren't even born yet back then.


A million years? Don't you think that's over doing it a bit. You and your parents weren't even born yet back then.

hey I'm 18, this must've been 93 or 94, it was a long time ago to me.....

R.O.D the tv...nuff said


Hah, yeah. I'm 17 now and it must've been when I was 5 or 6 when I first watched it.

I taped it off TV and had it onVHS for years, and it was my favourite movie for years until one of the parentals or my brother taped over it!


"It's better to break a man's leg, than his heart."
- Seabiscuit.


"hey I'm 18, this must've been 93 or 94, it was a long time ago to me....."

Only about 13 years ago. It's not like 30.

I an't afraid of no ghosts!
