Cyborg or not?

Sup guys,

Me and my good buddy havent seen this movie in awhile, and we started arguing about movies; much to which i was wrong about. however, he claims that max was a cyborg dog while i said absoluely not. something about being combined with a chameleon and a jaguar...anyways cyborg or not guys?

and extra credit, is chameleon even involved? called it extraneously ridiculous. hit me up



Ignore the stupid cover art...Max is not a cyborg.


Just a "normal" dog with his different DNA put in him.

I an't afraid of no ghosts!


You're thinking of Rottweiler another Cujo ripoff


Aparently he has DNA from a Jauguar, Cheetah, Bear, Cameleon and I think some sort of poisonous snake because his piss is acidic.
