How? (*Spoilers*)

There is another topic about this but it got derailed in a big way with no clear answer to be found.

How did she (well, he) fake getting pregnant if they didn't have intercourse?

A simple question. She wouldn't undress, well, COULDN'T, obviously. I believe there was a blink and you miss it shot of them having anal sex. Then at the precise moment it would seem he is finally about to get some vaginal action, she tells him he is pregnant. And he blubbers like a little girl, that he is going to be a daddy.


This is not made clear in the movie at all. How can you fake something like that? I don't know how someone can get that close to a lady and not want to feel her umm... ladybits.

I can't see any plausible explanation for this. Hopefully, I missed something so this isn't just a gaping flaw in the story because I really liked the film otherwise.


I haven't watched it in a long time but my recollection is that they did have what he thought was sex. An old school trick of prostitutes and transsexuals etc. is to just hold the penis between their thighs and pretend it is actually inside. As to how convincing this is I don't know, but coupled with a bit of self-delusion and/or lack of sexual experience it might do the trick. Add on some convincing mumbo jumbo about Chinese modesty and you have a package that could pull the wool over the eyes of a man who, we must not forget, is smitten.

That's my take on it anyways.


And keep in mind that he was "doing" her/him from behind, with her/his clothes on. So he had no idea where "it" was going.



I have had that experience myself - you only have to be slightly drunk and your penis could go into anything


"Then, as the examination is ending, the prisoner, without being asked, says that he would like to explain something to the doctors. Easily, smoothly, he pushes his testicles up into his body cavity. The skin of the scrotal sack hangs slack, like curtains. The man now pushes his penis between his legs, toward his back, bisecting the skin of the scrotum, and squeezes his legs tightly together. The penis is hidden, while the skin of the scrotum resembles the vaginal lips, beneath a triangle of pubic hair. Pushed between the empty scrotal sac, the penis has also created a small cavity so that shallow penetration is possible."


thanks...but that really made me squirm
