MovieChat Forums > Love & Human Remains (1995) Discussion > Anyone else feel ambivalent about Candy?

Anyone else feel ambivalent about Candy?

I thought both ways about her. Candy was rude, selfish, temperamental, neurotic, and she treated the poor school teacher like trash: she spent most of the film being an entirely unlikable person. So it probably speaks poorly of me that I'd still date her given that she was physically attractive and that she was, sometimes, able to be interesting and intelligent.


** some spoilers**

yah, she has a lot of traits to her i find very interesting. i do love that she's not one-sided......she's indeed very human. i love that she lashes out @ jerri the same way robert does towards her. i just read the play last night and watched the movie this morning. LOVED mia kirshner but thought the actors playing David/Bernie should have switched.

there is a whole angle to bernie that isn't brought into the film (he was a catalyst into the suicide of one of candy's best friends some years before) and there wasn't the whole "i want to be a celebrity too" angle to his being the killer. he loved the way it felt. and the scene where david brings bernie to benita is MUCH more interesting.

highly reccomend a read/or watch of the play! hoping it will be in our season next year......


You're an actor, I take it. Best wishes with the play if you get to do it.

Is the play more interesting than the movie, in that everybody's a more complex character? And who would you like to play?


It's not a shame if you still feel attracted to her because unlike the usual Hollywood movies, the characters in this one were real persons. She had some flaws, yes, but nothing too big, she just had flasw like everyone of us has and that makes her likeable. I can even understand that she was so bitchy to Jerri given her frustration and uncertanty, although it was very rude of course. Did she ever apologize to Jerri? I forgot. Anyhow, Candy acted like many people would and if I met her, I might try to make out with her as well.


And it certainly doesn't hurt that she's being played by the very hot Ruth Marshall, does it?

Anyway, although Candy never apologized to Jerri (she should have), Candy and Jerri had a brief scene late in the movie in which they acheive some closure to their relationship. With very little dialogue directly addressing it, they establish that Candy does not want Jerri and Jerri has learned to accept that.

And I imagine you're right: it's the unlikeable qualities that make us more human, and, paradoxically, more likeable overall. I think large numbers of guys have fallen for a woman they knew right from the start was going to put them through hell. It's a strange thing.


I don't find Ruth Marshall particularily hot. I am not into big boobs. However, she still looks decent enough for me and ... natural. That is attractive in and by itself.
