how could this movie get 3,8?

i don't know why this movie failed it's the funniest in the series the dogs had the funniest lines especially the scenes between the dogs and the wolves.


I know--it's my favorite, too! Of course, I'm a complete sucker for talking animal movies, but this one is really quite good. Deserves at least a 6.5 or so...

I like you, Um. I like largeness...


I think all the movies are great and was surprised at the low score for all 3

I think people think of the other two as being for an older audience and this as being more of a kid friendly/family movie but i love it!

Do guys like "the thing"?
They like it better than no thing.


Overall, I think it was a redundant sequel and was fairly sub-par compared with better Xmas films, but I have seen worse, unfortunately.

George Lucas talking about: 'Hey, give it to me, I'll fix it. I'll make 20 more of them'
