I love this movie

This was one of my favorite movies as a child and remains so to this day. I don't understand why so many don't like it. Granted, it did deviate far from the original concept but it was still very good.

Where have all the good writers gone?


I don't understand all the hate either... it's a cute little family film... and has a nice little holiday ending... :)


Just watched it the other day, haven't seen it in years. Thought i would hate it usually when i go back to watch movies that i liked when i was younger they don't generally tend to stand up to well now, but really enjoyed this one. Bit corny in places but it is more family orientated than the first two.


i guess people don't like to be cuckolds like travolta in this movie.


I thought this movie was better than the other two one of the reasons I like this movie is because of David Gallagher.
