The Sequel Proposed

There are ideas on the wiki. I am on the ideas wiki. This movie was released 4 months before Demolition Man that starred Sylvester Stallone and Wesley Snipes.

Do anymore of you have ideas? I have so much ideas for even Marvel and Star Wars. Lt. Deckard should be retired by the sequel beginning. Jean-Claude Van Damme had a cameo in the first film as I put thoughts on him to play the main villain of the sequel. There should maybe have a Taylor Swift cameo.

Somebody had ideas for a 2. This list on that page should be ideas for Last Action Hero Part 3 as I put in my ideas for 2.

This is if the second is better than the original and could make up the Last Action Hero movie trilogy.




It's interesting that both Last Action Hero and Demolition Man equally show a self-awareness of the action genre.


Here are the ideas put in.

The movie Last Action Hero bombed back in 1993. Jean-Claude Van Damme had a cameo as himself in it. He should play the main villain this proposed sequel. There should be villains in this sequel from the Amiga video game. Danny Madigan is manager of the movie theater he was at from when he was a kid. Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje of Oz as Bolo. Jean-Claude Van Damme appeared together with Adewale in Legionnaire. Other wise Mike Tyson former boxer as Bolo. Lt. Deckard played by Frank McRae had retired in those many years. Jack Slater goes on adventures and states he’s too old for this referencing Danny Glover in the Lethal Weapon movies.

There should be in the beginning Jack Slater is retiring LA PD. He’s going after criminal mastermind Andre Rumford. Jean-Claude Van Damme as Andre Rumford. He takes on henchman Bolo. Jack Slater defeats Bolo. There’s a captain of the LA PD with his officers. The writers could come up with a name for him. Andre Rumford uses martial arts on Jack Slater. It’s a hand-to-hand fight. Jack Slater defeats Andre Rumford. Andre is arrested along with Bolo.

In the real world at the movie theater the new kid 13 years of age is introduced. Danny Madigan is taking Nick’s place. This kid goes looking for Danny. Danny said he was attacked by a burglar before he went inside of Jack Slater 4. That burglar long ago was talked to have been caught by the detective of the NY PD who also suspected 2 muggers of killing a mechanic that Benedict killed back in 1993. They were arrested and caught with stolen shoes. Danny tells of a new Jack Slater movie opening in coming out of retirement. He’s given Danny’s magic ticket that dates back to when he was a kid. This kid day dreams of Jack Slater as Rambo and fighting nasty villains in class. Jack Slater as Rambo shoots a rocket into the main villain blowing him up.

There is that kid walking into NYC. Later on there’s the new Jack Slater prescreening that Danny shows that kid. He goes to the movie. Before the start there were talks in that world Sylvester Stallone as the Terminator with more Terminator movies and Arnold Schwarzenegger as governor of California from 2003 to 2010. The movie begins with Jet the woman who leads the Skins gang. She meets up with the big boss Andre Rumford who escaped from prison. Jack Slater’s daughter Whitney got married and had kids born.

Somewhere else there is Jack Slater’s son in law with Jet and Andre Rumford. Jet lays kicks on Jack Slater’s Son in law. Andre throws gives a bomb to Jack Slater’s Son in Law. Later on Jack Slater comes to the house and finds his son in law beaten up. A bomb goes off into the house. Jack Slater runs out. Jack Slater has battle with the Skins gang. They are in cars with machine guns. There are Skins members killed. An explosive is thrown off screen as one of Jet’s members is blown up. The 13-year-old at the movies runs from the explosion. He gets into the movie world. The kid ends up in the car. He tells Jack Slater his name and says he’s a friend to Danny Madigan telling him he’s manager of that movie theater.

The battle goes on with Skins members being taken out. Somewhere Jack Slater takes on Jet the leader of the Skins gang. He throws her against the wall. He goes on the search for Andre Rumford.

Somewhere else there is Andre Rumford with Bolo and other thugs are men and women various races. They talk of the cartoon cat back. Andre Rumford plots to kill Jack Slater and Whiskers the cartoon cat. Elsewhere Jack Slater as at the police station. There is Whiskers the cartoon cat there also. At the LA PD station there is Jet with surviving 2 surviving gang members in handcuffs. Nia Peeples of Walker Texas Ranger and the Blues Brothers 2000 as Jet leader of the Skins gang. There is also present Whitey Slater with her daughter and son. There were talks of trying to save Andrew to when Ripper killed him around Christmas back then.

There should be a shopping mall visit. Jack Slater takes that kid there. There’s a gangster going by Hockey that Jack Slater takes on with a hockey stick and roller blades. It should be Noel Gugliemi as Hockey the thug in Andre’s gang. Jack Slater defeats him shoving his knee into him and uppercut. Whiskers shows up and arrests Hockey. He’s going to the estate of Andre Rumford. That boy talks of Stallone and Schwarzenegger together in the Expendables films and the second one had Jean-Claude Van Damme as the main villain. Whitey and the kids are staying the house of Whitey’s parents in law. Jack Slater has a gun fight with the men and women in Andre Rumford’s gang. Jack Slater has the kid run out of danger. He wants in the action. Those gang members are shot and killed in various ways. Jack Slater is running after Andre Rumford. That kid has the ticket. Andre goes over to Bolo. Jack Slater and that kid go after those villains.




In the real world in New York City at the movie theater. Bolo and Andre get away. Jack Slater and that boy come out of the screen. Danny Madigan shows up. The villains have disappeared. They go onto the streets of NYC all 3 of them. There are muggers with clubs. Jack Slater grabs onto the clubs. He has the 2 muggers bang into each other. Jack Slater throws kicks and punches onto those muggers.

Jack Slater with Danny Madigan go to the apartment of the boy taken in by that boy himself. They meet with his parents.

Somewhere else Jack Slater with the teen and Danny Madigan go out into the city on search for the villains. Andre is looking to bring back villains from earlier Jack Slater movies to Bolo. They go after the film archives.

There should be the celebrities like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jean-Claude Van Damme at the gathering. The villains are going after Arnold Schwarzenegger. Jack Slaters asks for Danny to take that 13-year-old boy back to the theater. Jack Slater has a gun fight with Andre Rumford. He escapes. There’s Jack Slater fighting Bolo. Jack Slater ends up breaking Solo’s neck as he’s really trying to kill him. Jack Slater has a rooftop battle with Andre Rumford at this theater on the edge. There’s martial arts kicks and punches onto Jack Slater. Danny and that boy show up. Jack Slater uppercuts Andre Rumford. They are fighting physically. Jack Slater throws Andre Rumford off the roof. He says “no sequel for him”. There should be the big mistake line in this film. They are heading back to the theater. Jack Slater is getting too old for this. Danny fires up the projector holding the magic ticket that was his as a kid. Jack Slater goes back into his world. Jack Slater states he’s too old for those stunts.

Jack Slater meets up with the Captain as the movie is played later on. He back into retirement leaves the headquarters of LA PD.

Other fans could write in action and comedy ideas. There could be cameos of celebrities of the 2010’s and 2020’s. Jack Slater is driving off into the day as the boy sits at the seat with Danny present in the very end.
