MovieChat Forums > King of the Hill (1993) Discussion > Story About the Book, the Movie and HOTC...

Story About the Book, the Movie and HOTCHNER

Story About the Book, the Movie and Hotchner

I read King of the Hill in the late 70's and it was a book that really stuck with me--just wonderful. When the movie came out, I thought it was just as good (well, almost--you can never in my opinion beat out a book with any movie.) For years I had been telling myself that I had to write Hotchner about how his memoir meant so much to me. Like a lot of things in life, I kept putting it off. Then one day, a few years ago I said "enough already" the man is in his 80's it's now or never. So, I did, a long letter not only about my love of his book but how I had shown the film to my kids at one of the homeless shelters I work at here, in NYC. I also told him about the non-profit I worked for that has been doing marvelous work since 1866! With my kids at the shelter there were a few kids that loved to read, so I gave them used copies of King of the Hill (it is OOP BTW...sadly.)-they loved it. Well a few months went by and I did not hear from Hotch--I was a tad disapointed. However, not long afterwood, my boss called me (she knew about the letter.) My organization had just received $10,000 from "Newman's Own" which is the organization that Newman and Hotchner partner--you know the salad dressing, the pasta sauce, etc. I guess after that, I truly believed in the "the power of the pen." It's nice to know that Hotchner never forgot his humble beginnings.

Anyone who tells a lie has not a pure heart, and cannot make a good soup. Ludwig Van Beethoven






That is wonderful story. I had never heard of the book or the movie, until I was channel surfing this morning.I watched it,and had to look it up right away.

Anyway, your sreen name francienol, reminded me of "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" which this movie sort of reminded me of.


Thank you Pro and Star, yes Pro my name is a shortened version of Francie Nolan from "A Tree!" Good spot! Please read the Hotchner's book; even though it is out of print I'm sure it can be found in a good used book store or at Wow, just checked, just saw a copy for one buck at Abe! Enjoy!

"Anyone who tells a lie has not a pure heart, and cannot make a good soup." Ludwig Van Beethoven



That's a wonderful story. I also wrote to Hotchner after reading his book. I was so affected by it I actually rode my bike around to all of the places he mentioned in the book to see how they look now (I live in St. Louis). In my letter to Hotchner I mentioned this and he replied, saying that it must be fun to be young and live in his hometown. A great book and a great guy.
