MovieChat Forums > Kalifornia (1993) Discussion > Damn, Pitt Should Have Gotten an Oscar

Damn, Pitt Should Have Gotten an Oscar

What a performance, utterly amazing. Hanks in Philadelphia was good, but Pitt was amazing in this movie. I guess though it's true that if you make a movie about retards or gays, you'll win an oscar. Although I would also have been happy if Ralph Fiennes had won for the super evil portrayal of Amon Goeth.


I agree. Best performance of his career.


To me he just playing the same old redneck.


I agree; this was the first film I saw him in where I was able to overlook his hotness and appreciate the intensity of his performance. I also thought he was terrific in "12 Monkeys".

I'm a lead farmer, mothaf*^%a!


I have to agree he shouls have received an oscar.


Easily one of the greatest performances I have ever seen.

Can't believe Bale didn't win for American Psycho, let alone get nominated, too.


His performance is what made me come to this forum and read up on the movie. The role he played was so convincing... from the mood swings to the frequent pig snorts, he was pretty dam convincing.

Awesome performance.


Yes. He had the potential to be casted in "the Texas chainsaw massacre".


I agree that his performance in this was oscar-worthy. He was amazing!



Brad Pitt is one of the most grossly overrated actors in Hollywood history, IMO. He has gotten by on looks and meager talent (but mostly on looks) for his entire career.

He has two character modes: crazy guy (Kalifornia, 12 Monkeys) and pretty guy (Thelma & Louise, Ocean's 11). He rarely wavers from either of those modes...because he doesn't have the talent to pull it off.


Which of those was he in Benjamin Button and Moneyball?


Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn every now and then. :)

Thos were good movies, but I think lots of actors could have pulled them off. Benjamin Button was mostly the makeup and the supporting characters, and Moneyball was great writing.


go f^ck your self andyposton .Kalifornia, 12 monkeys,fight club.snatch.jesse james,ben button, tree of life ,moneyball, he has a lot of great performances and his 4 Oscar noms with many other awards noms are evidences that prooving he is a great actor. next time put your head out of your a$$ then post a comment moron


Wow AFRad...way to present your opinion in such a reasoned and classy fashion. Shame on me for my folly...


agree that i was rude apologize for that but you are wrong really wrong and i can't change your mind


Well, you have your opinion and I have mine. And you have no more right to tell me that I'm wrong, than I do to tell you that you're wrong. So let's just agree to disagree and go on our merry way.

If you read my posts, you'll see that I never told anyone that their opinion of Mr. Pitt was wrong. I simply offered my opinion in counterpoint. And that's what these boards should be about, not shouting down others that disagree with's unfortunate that all too frequently, that's exactly what happens.

That having been said, thank you for your apology...accepted. :)


you are right , at first i thought your are hater sorry i was wrong,good luck


I concur. Pitt at the top of his game.

"Pffft, my suspension of disbelief has higher standards than that"


This is without a doubt the most well rounded "redneck" performance I've ever seen. He's evil, sympathetic, sweet, manipulative, funny, depressing. It's great/

The "doors" scene should have been enough for him to be nominated in this but this kind of role is far out of the Academys realm of appreciation.


Yep, this was an outstanding performance from Pitt. One of the most underrated in recent memory. This film was made before Brad Pitt was an A-lister, and Hank's performance in "Philly" tickled all the politcally correct nerves in Hollywood. But Pitt in "Kalifornia" was better than Hanks.

I like your last sentence.


Although I would also have been happy if Ralph Fiennes had won for the super evil portrayal of Amon Goeth.

Fiennes was in Supporting Actor, where he lost to Tommy Lee Jones for The Fugitive.

