MovieChat Forums > Jurassic Park (1993) Discussion > Laura Dern shows her SJW colours here

Laura Dern shows her SJW colours here

"Dinosaur eats Man, Woman inherits the earth"
"We can discuss sexism in survival situations when I get back"

Yep, long before Star Wars' Holdo was on the scene, Laura Dern was being a feminist here! Why didn't I get the connection before TLJ?


Most definitely correct, you are. The feminist pandering annoyed me even back in 1993. Many are in denial about these undertones that JP was forcibly pushing. Why not just have a strong, capable, and intelligent female character without the preposterous sermonizing?


It was a joke dude.


I know. Stop taking things so seriously.


It is kind of a funny joke since raptors, Diloposaurs, and a T-Rexes are just as likely to eat a woman as they are a man.


These whiners who call everything "sjw!" or "feminazi!!" annoy me way more than any secret feminazi agenda there may have been.




Yea, but when they "eat" a woman, she might like it ... for a little while anyways.


Plus, without the protection from men, and their willingness to die to save women and children, women would be extinct all the sooner.

Also note that for ‘woman to inherit the earth’ they would have to murder babies who were male - we all know SJWs love having abortions but this would be full on mass infanticide.


"Plus, without the protection from men, and their willingness to die to save women and children, women would be extinct all the sooner."

yes that is why femitards whine so much becuase they know they live in free world thanks to the blood of men who die in battle to protect them and countrys.


It's odd that it wasn't until 'Jurassic World' (2015) that any woman die-by-dinosaur. It took 12 years before any female death representation occurred.


Now thinking of it, Michael Chrichton is responsible for that fact. Since he wrote the novels the first 2 films are based off of. Although he does have some compies kill a baby girl in the beginning of his first Jurassic Park novel. It's obvious why Stephen Spielberg left that out.


I was always a little disturbed by that line, even though in the early 90's it was just a fun joke. It wasn't in Crichton's excellent novel, and once The Last Jedi appeared and singlehandedly destroyed Star Wars, it is now clear that the line was added for a reason, which has propped up an extremely loud minority and taught us that purple hair can kamikaze into huge problems in an effort to solve them.... lol


in the first instance she was obviously joking to annoy the other two, and in the second she was just impatient at John Hammond.


The first was definitely just a joke. The second one was kind of prompted because of the comment Hammond made about how he should be the one that goes because he was a man. I hate the SJW stuff as much as anyone, but this thread is reaching or just trolling.


I always used to think she misunderstood and he meant "I'm a [person who works here] and you're a [guest]"


I could see that being a possible interpretation.


Yes it was a joke, but they added it solely to express an feministic undertone.

Hammond said that because yes he was a man, an elderly man at that. Men used to be raised to protect and provide for women. It was called being a gentlemen. Its the same reason for women and children first. Hammond was a man who invited Elle to his island full of unpredictable/dangerous animals, and was chiefly responsible for her safety.

So when a situation came up that a person had to venture out into the park full of dangerous animals it should be expected that Hammond go.


Yeah, I'm sure they allowed her to write those lines and everything. Totally on her.


It would be nice if people who constantly bitch about "SJWs" could look in the mirror and see that they're exactly as annoying as the so-called "PC police" that they claim are always complaining about everything.




Big difference is that the "PC police" have taken over our entertainment and our politics, so no, they/you are way more annoying.


Those may have been memorable but I' say they were throwaway lines. She also mentioned wanting a family in the movie and in Jurassic Park 3 she was married with kids.


Man it's been forever since I've seen this but weren't the dinosaurs producing without males?


Sort of. The movie explains it that the frogs whose DNA they used were able to change their sex for the purpose of mating. So the dinosaurs picked up that trait. Kind of an oversight by the Jurassic Park scientists, if you ask me lol.


Yeah haha. I just figured it was a womens lib thing that they were all female. I thought it was a bit odd.


Soon we will have our first female president and I don't mean Joe Biden. Then we will see an America where peace is the motive for every politician and citizen alike. This peace will spread out to the whole world. Christians and Muslims will find a common future. There will be no more wars or disease. A new future will have been forged from the remnants of the old. And a woman shall lead the world to the stars.


I see what you did there. ;)
