Shutting down the power

I was watching a YT review of this movie and something caught my attention. When Arnold shuts down the power completely and then decides to head to the maintenance shed, Muldoon didn't offer up any assistance. Later we see that Muldoon is shocked that the raptor fences were out, meaning he figured Arnold would be safe, but...why? Shutting down the power would logically shut down the raptor fences too, yes?

I guess you could argue he figured the raptors wouldn't figure it out before the power was revived, but still, it seems like something the head of security would have on his mind, especially considering how well he appears to know the raptors (and even says in the beginning that they used to test the fencing for weaknesses). Not to mention the way he says it, "even Nedry knew not to mess with the raptors" (more or less), implies he actually didn't think the raptor pen would lose power.

It just seems like a bad character decision in order to have the tech guy get killed so we could get Ellie's moment to shine. I'm not complaining about it, just an observation.

Cena doesn't overcome any odds. He's a wrestler with a God Mode cheat on.


Arnold basically had to die in the movie since he dies in the book anyway. That was one aspect of this movie that actually truly followed the book, which I'm pleased to see since so much of hte book was changed or just blatantly left out.


I think no one realized that the raptor paddock was no longer secure when Arnold goes to the shed. Muldoon realizes it when he and Ellie find themselves outside.
