MovieChat Forums > Jurassic Park (1993) Discussion > Michael Crichton and Jurassic Park

Michael Crichton and Jurassic Park

Steven Spielberg is famed for knowing what the public want before they even know it themselves. Whether it’s sharks, cute little aliens or heroic archaeologist cum adventurers, Spielberg has his fingers on the pulse of the film-going zeitgeist. He had known Michael Crichton since the seventies. When Crichton began talking about his latest unfinished novel about a theme park populated by resurrected dinosaurs, Spielberg was very interested. Recognising that CGI technology was at a point where it could bring Crichton’s vision brilliantly to life, he bought the rights.
The results almost speak for themselves.

During a forty year career, the fertile mind of Michael Crichton created numerous stories featuring characters imperilled at different times by deadly plagues, rebellious robots and most famously, resurgent dinosaurs. With a new TV version of Crichton’s Westworld striding boldly towards us this October, Geeky Monkey takes a look at the work of a man who left a huge indelible footprint on the history of science fiction…

Check out the latest issue of Geeky Monkey magazine for a thorough feature on the best and worst screen versions of Crichton's science fiction works...
Everything from The Terminal Man to Westworld...
Issue 12 out in the UK September 2016.


Actually, Spielberg had every intention of using nothing but practical effects. His only original use for digital technology was to add a motion blur to stop-motion animation. The animators themselves decided to show him that the entire dinosaur could be created and animated on the computer.


We lost a great talent, a genius, when Crichton died too soon.
