Costume Design

Don't know if this has been touched on, but I think the costume department deserves major props for the costume design. I've always found JP to be a vibrant film with the island setting, but the costuming is equally visually striking. Each main character/visitor to the island was assigned a completely different color palate - blue for Grant, pink for Ellie, black for Malcolm, white for Hammond and tan for Gennaro. And there's practically no overlap between them. The strikingly different, bold colors helps each character stand out and makes them that much more memorable, not to mention sets them apart for the viewers and reminds us that they each carry a very different viewpoint/perspective. Brilliant costuming in my opinion.




No return?

It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing .


To me, Grant's colors represent a balance between pragmatism (the utilitarian khaki pants) and romanticism (the vividly emotional blue shirt and red scarf).

It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing .


The colours of malcom and hammond also represent the differing views they both have of the park. Malcom (in black) believes the park will fail, and hammond (in white) is totally the opposite and certian his vision will come to fruition.


Agreed, good point, good observation.
