Richard Edlund/Boss Film

WOW. How on Earth did Edlund become involved with this? Was this a project he did just to fund Solar Crisis???

I actually rented this and what can I say, the effects were actually pretty good as far as late 80's/early 90's effects go.

The film itself


I know. I marveled at the cool effects for their day, but laughed at how pathetically stupid this actual film was. I saw it on TBN one night! Leave it to them to show such crapola!

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Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


I was actually an extra on this film and worked every day of shooting. It was great to talk to the Boss Films guys about their days at ILM and such. When I was doing this, they gave me a parking pass that actually had the TriStar Pictures logo on it. They were backing the film until a bunch of churches around the states petitioned to stop its release.

TriStar dropped out and it wasn't until 1993 that I actually saw a theatrical release of the film. I was working as the projectionist at a small theater in my home town and I was so thrilled when i got the news that we were getting the film for one week. I was so shocked when I put the film together and saw no logo at the beginning. It just started.....The film looked good and the VFX were over the top for the production, but good. It was fun to see myself in so many scenes.

I was not surprised when they dropped the distribution of the film after the religious uproar. One night before filming a particular scene, the director (who had never directed before) held a prayer. During the prayer, he mentioned that God had told him to make the film, and despite my religious freedom beliefs, I had a bad feeling about the fate of the film from that moment on.
