REALLY bad movie

I don't know how they actors and crew made this movie. It's an absolute joke and a middle finger to the original movie. 2/10

"You have to be unique, and different, and shine in your own way."


Bad is a kind word for it, more like cluster *beep*

I can't think of something that will make you remember my quote.


I have to disagree with you. I think it is one of the better sequels of the series. It is a big improvement from Jason Takes Manhattan.

Come, fly the teeth of the wind. Share my wings.


Compared to Manhattan and X this is gold. Also I think it's the scariest and most gory.


X was the worst. Not a big fan of Manhattan either. JGTH was all right, but a lot of things were impossible to comprehend.


Eh? Jason Takes Manhatten and Jason X might be cheesy but they at least delivered Jason.


Well.. If you are married to the Jason formula.. I can understand.. This really isn'ta Jason movie.. But if you can enjoy it outside of that, then it is a fun little flick.


It wasn't just outside the 'formula' it was outside the actual logic of the movies (What little logic there was).

They could have played around with the formula without going to Jason tuens into an evil demon heart slug. This is like a bad episode of Tales from the Crypt.


I agree! This is the worst movie of the series and it ranks worse than Part 5. The only thing good about it (the reason I gave it 1 star) is because it features my boy crush on WILMA from Buck Rogers aka Erin Gray. I just have no idea at why she played in this AWFUL MOVIE! Guess money talks. lol Anyway, the suckiest horror movie out there.


Definitly not the worst horror movie out there. There's so many terrible horror films out there that make Jason Goes to Hell seem Oscar worthy.
JGTH has a some good things about it. It's got some rather good gore effects, a suspenseful opening sequence, a pretty exciting diner scene towards the end, and a good sex scene with a couple attractive campers. The film is also pretty short, and moves along pretty fast. It isn't perfect, but it's not that bad.


Yes, if you want to truly a bad horror film, then try something like Dark Heaven or Ax Em.


My thing is if it was called anything other than a Friday the 13th film I could enjoy it slightly. However, this film DOES try to act like its a Friday film and introduce a random mythology that's never been heard of. Its atrocious. I can enjoy all the Friday films aside from this. Even Jason X is so bad its good.

Haters gonna hate


Why would it be anything other than a Friday the 13th though? So it's completely out there, and isn't anything like the others, but does it really matter? Nobody actually takes this film serious, and it's best to not even lump it in with the first 8. Just think of it as it's own thing. If you focus on some of the positives, and accept it for what it is, then it's not awful.


Yeah its pretty lame. 3/10


it ain't that bad,, there's movies out there way worse than this,, seriously... I mean come on,,

are you going to bark all day little doggie,, or are you going to bite
