In my opinion it ain't that bad

I definitely prefer this over part 8 and no part 9 is not a great movie but it aint that bad either


It was definitely violent and eerie as hell, Robert Jason scared the hell out of me when i was a kid watching this. The lack of this awesome Jason was a downer tho. Take away the whole body jumping and leave it as Jason terrorizing a small town after his supposed death wouldve been so much better.

"Chick's got an ass like an onion..makes me wanna cry"


You do realize that the story makes no sense, right?

Not to mention the score is terrible and looks like a made for TV movie.


Yeah I know that but it didn't really bother me


Im a long time fan of friday the 13th movies, they are all enjoyable for different reasons

This one is not the least favorite of the bunch, it has a great atmosphere. I dont need a great story or plot to enjoy a friday movie, but i appreciate the fact that they tried a different approach i mean its part 9 LOL.


I agree. I've seen a lot worse. It really isn't that bad.
