
I swear I kept hearing Jessica yelling "David!" when Steven ran over Robert up until the next scene when he pulled the car over on the side of the road. Even to the point of me doubting his name was Steven until she called him by that when the camera shows them inside the car. I've heard the same when it airs on tv, only in that one instance.

Found the DVD recently and while watching it and noticing it yet again I had to go rewind that part twice but every time I hear her yelling the name David.

Just curious if anybody else ever noticed that or if it's just me and bad hearing?

Last movie I watched:Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday
"I don't question your existence."~God


You know what I've noticed that too
it did sounded like she was yelling calling him David
even back then when I saw this as a kid
on video after renting it countless times
back in the 90s.

Either she did and made multiple mistakes
with his character name or
something with the audio that made it
sound like the name David instead of Steven
lol I don't know it was probably her messing
up hella times with his name.
