My favorite godard movie

I've seen most and this is up there as his best.


Mine too.


Now I've seen ALL, and I think Slow Motion might be a tad bit better, but still.. this is a masterpiece.

pre·ten·tious: characterized by assumption of dignity or importance.



I'm not sure about the lack of credit. There are a few other films made around this same period that Godard didn't put his name on. I think it was simply a creative decision to leave it unsigned, rather than any disappointment with it. Other films where he isn't credited include 'Week End', 'Nouvelle Vague', 'Germany Year 90 Nine Zero' and 'The Kids Play Russian'.

The film is loosely based around the Greek legend of Amphitryon and Alcmene, and the visitation of the God Zeus, so the use of "Hélas" is most likely an acknowledgement of the legend and its origins, as well as a bilingual pun. 'Hélas' is close to the English 'Alas', and the French phrase 'Hélas pour moi' is close to the English phrase 'Woe is Me'

So the title in English could run something like 'Alas (unfortunately/sadly/regrettably/etc) For Me', which, when made more direct, becomes 'Oh, Woe is Me'

Like most Godard film titles, there are a lot of different references and interpretations that are difficult to translate.

