Quotes in Godard Film

It's impossible to trace the provenance of every line of a Godard film, though it's likely most have a literary pedigree. I'm looking to track down the origin of the line from Hélas pour moi (1993): " each one of us is surrounded ny the invisible dream", in French: "chacun de nous porte autour de soi les reves invisibles"


Are you sure it has prior origins? Could be merely Godard waxing poetic, as he often does.

Last film seen: Robert Bresson's Pickpocket - Brilliant!



I took it for something said on the cross, along the lines of "Why has he forsaken me?"



The French words mentioned by the OP appear to be from Les Yeux Verts by Marguerite Duras writing in Cahiers du Cinéma. Duras also used the name (Marguerite) Donnadieu - the same surname as Rachel and Simon in the film. The essay was also published separately and is available on Amazon.com.

ô dans la lumière chacun de nous porte autour de soi les rêves invisibles la musique nous élève tous jusqu’à ce trait de lumière tu sais qui jaillit sous le rideau quand un orchestre accorde ses violons la danse commence alors nos mains glissent et se séparent nos regards s’abîment les uns dans les autres nos corps s’effleurent avec précaution chacun évite de réveiller l’autre du rêve de lui faire regagner l’obscurité quitter la nuit de la nuit qui n’est pas le jour comme nous nous aimons

light in each of us carries around us dreams invisible music elevates us all until you know the flash of light that flows behind the curtain when a band strikes up the violins a dance begins our hands slide and separate our eyes deteriorate into each other our bodies brush against each carefully avoid waking up from the dream of the other to make him regain the dark leave the night of the night is not the day we love

Excuse the awful translation - but I think it maybe captures that feeling a little of when two people dance almost as one . . .

Hope this helps
