Maribel Verdu changes

I can not believe how much she changed through a decade. I saw E tu mama tambien and Pan's labyrinth etc. and I knew the name sounded familiar when i read it in the opening titles of Huevos de oro. She was sooo sooo beautiful in the movie, but her facial features are so different now, her face is boney and lines are sharp and stuff. It's so weird. I have a great memory for faces and I didn't recognize her in her early years. WEIRD!


Maribel Verdú looks smoking hot in Y tu mamá también. Maybe you saw a different movie than me.
In the other hand in El laberinto del fauno she looks older for two reasons:
1) Because she IS in fact older. duhh!
2) Because she barely used makeup and the one she used had the purpose to make her look even more weary and older. Just like a 35-40 yo peasant would look.

I have seen her plenty of times after his role in Guillermo del Toro's film, wearing beautiful dresses and fine makeup and she still looks beautiful. Although she doesn't look as radiant and ravishing as in Belle Époque or Huevos de oro but you gotta realize that 16 years have passed since then.
