Rosa's green hair?

Am I dreaming this or did the theater release show Rosa with green hair? I know in the book, the poison that killed Rosa turned her hair green. I'm SURE I remember seeing that cascade of greenish-blonde hair in the movie. When I rented the movie from Blockbuster today, Rosa's hair is blonde after death. Does anyone else remember green hair?


I remember her hair was green in th book but can't remember her part in the film


The poison didn't turn her hair green in the book; it was green from the start. She was b


In the book the hair had a greenish shine due to the fact that it was always wahsed with water kept in a cupper bin/barrel. The hair turned green due to that...


No, no, Rosa was born with green hair, and it was washed in a certain way to <i>keep</i> the pretty greenness. That's one of the reasons why she was constantly referenced to being a mermaid, especially in the autopsy scene. In the movie, I could barely notice the greenness.


I just read the book, and watched the movie today. You are right about how she washes it to keep the greenness. Everyone compares her to a mermaid. In the movie, I didn't notice her hair being green at all. I was specially looking for that (and Transito's snake tattoo). I like how Allende includes these details in her novel.


Rosa also spent a lot of time when she was a baby taking sun baths. In that way her hair turned a bit lighter and not that green anymore.


I believe it may have to do with hues. On occasion people with white hair sometimes have green hues.


Isabelle Allende was writing in the style of Magical Realism. Viewing the novel (and the film) from this point of view, there needs no real explination for the reason Rosa had green hair. She just did. It adds to the feeling of mysticism that flows throughout the narrative, similar to the fact that Clara regularly communicated with spirits as if it was a commonplace occourance.


I remember vividly reading in the book about Rosa's green hair. I was disappointed when I saw the movie and Rosa's hair was blonde. Just one of the great things in the book that was left out of the movie.

We'll see whose the filthiest person alive! We'll just see!
