Why rated R?

Is there sex? From the cover (VHS, at video store) I thought maybe sex. I ask because I have a son who read the book and loved it, and wants to see the movie. I want to know if it is suitable for him.


how old is he?


there might be some inappropriate material
(don't want to spoiler) like a little bit
of nudity, and a difficult-to-watch scene
where one of the characters is interrogated
by some militants during a political coup.
but it's not FULL of violence and sex by
any stretch.


The R rating is for strong sexual scenes and nudity, a brief but intense rape scene, child nudity, some disturbing images, and quite a bit of blood and violence. It depends on the individual person, if they can handle it or not, but it is very much an adult film.


It didn't seem that intense, actually. She pretty much gave up when he caught her, but it is pretty disturbing, so be warned. There are much worse rape scenes out there, but still...



Yeah, I guess "intense" was the wrong word to use, but it came completely out of nowhere and was disturbing, like you said, so it was kind of a shock when it did pop up.


Exactly, though it was ultimately necessary to the story. Since they went through all the trouble to do the scene, they should have elaborated on it more, like what it was like in the book.



I know my two sents are probably coming late but listen,, the "R" rating is there for a good reason in my opinion. There is a bloody autopsy scene, nudity, a rape scene however shocking or not, it's still a rape scene. There are nude SEX scenes, brutality and torture. This is no movie for anyone under the age restriction. It's a great story, a LONG story but don't let your kids see this one until they are older, or you might be doing some explaining later... "Mommy, why was that blankety-blank.. Going on and why....you get the idea... Take my word for it don't ignore the rating system because you think your kid might could "handle" a rated "r" movie... Also, this story is not an easy going light subject matter film, they wont get it, it will probably be boring for them... this movie is what id consider a heavy drama..I'm just say'n.



Normal parents would have no problems in explaining the moments you've mentioned. If a parent is unable to do it, it's his problem, not his child. As for rating systems, I agree that they shouldn't be ignored, but it concerns only rating systems in normal countries, not American MPAA, which is a total joke, and should be ignored as much as possible.


Blood/violence and nude/Sex scenes thats why.
