More movies like this one

I need more movies like this one, "silly comedies" such as
the Naked Gun trilogy
Hot Shots 1 & 2 (LOVE these)
Spy Hard (my favourite)
Dracula: Dead and Loving It (loved Peter MacNicol's performance)



I recommend National Lampoon's Loaded Weapon 1, Spaceballs and Robin Hood: Men in Tights.


The Kentucky Fried Movie (David Zucker's First movie)


top secret, its another zaz movie


I agree but why aren't they being made?
Luckily we can rewatch the films you mention and spot new gags new everytime.


Also Scary Movie 1, 2, 3, 4 and Epic Movie!



part 2 of 'scary movie' was the funniest...everything else you've listed is crap

epic movie was a piece of crap and even the audience in my cinema didn't laugh much

too much excuse for parody gags and no real script writing with cheesy one-liners and cheesy gags like blowing up the annoying 80s duracel bunny in hotshots2

or the black guy trying to record topper having sex, all these new spoof movies are stupid (slapping crap together, with some paris hilton gags and you expect me to pay $15 to see it...get fu*ked)

epic movie was the much so the dave chappelle gag "i'm rick james b*tch" people didn't laugh at because not everyone knows who rick james is in my country.

these new parody/spoof movies reminds me of 'monty burns' in the simpsons trying to win the movie awards episode by pasting crap from other movies without any proper story writing and directing...and called it HIS movie.


yea, part 2 of Scary Movie was pretty funny, particularly David Cross and chris eliot's characters. Otherwise, like everyone else said the Zucker movies and the spoof Mel Brooks movies.


^ Administrator obviously deleted a post that agreed with you.


Mafia , the spoof on the godfather.


In Sicily, Woman Are More Dangerous Than Shotguns


High school High starring the great Jon Lovitz is extremely funny.


I see nobody's posted on it, but FATAL INSTINCT has to be up there. It totally failed at the box office, but don't let that fool you. I found it absolutely hilarious from the first gag. It's pretty similar in goofiness to the HOT SHOTS movies, especially in that all the actors are overly serious and dead-pan while saying and doing the most ridiculous things. Seek it out!
