What parts made you cry

Please tell me I'm not the only one who cries at at this movie!! I cry more than once at various points in the film....
1) when shadow wants to run after the car but then repeats Peter command of "stay"

2)when Sassy is reunited with the dogs after bring thrown over the waterfall
3) when the little girl is reunited with her parents
4) when Shadow finally shows up at the end of the movie....

What other parts make you cry?


I cried when Shadow fell into the muddy hole and said he couldn't go on anymore. I also cried at the end when he appears and is reunited with Peter. No matter ho many times I see this movie, I still feel the same sadness and anticipation during that scene. It makes me cry everytime. I don't remember crying when Sassy was drowning and went over the waterfall, but it made me very sad.

I'm 26 years old and to this day, this movie is still one of my favorites.

Reid and Goren fic in one spot! Enjoy!



I'm 27, I just watched this again and I'm a wreck! I cry throughout, lol.


No matter ho many times I see this movie, I still feel the same sadness and anticipation during that scene.

It's the music. Turn off the sound and the scene, while still touching, won't choke you up. IMO Bruce Broughton's soundtrack for this film is one of the best ever, rivaling anything by greats like John Williams or Hans Zimmer.

"Nothing is more ill bred than trying to steal the affections of someone else's dog."


Everytime I see this movie I always cry at the end.

The part where Peter say 'he was just too old' breaks my heart and makes a lump in my throat, even though I've seen it a thousand times a part of me thinks he won't show, haha.
When Hope and the mother see Shadow come up that hill and gasp, it gives me chills.
And then Shadow and Peter start running to eachother and Shadow says 'oh Peter I worried about you so' ahh the tears come.

The director and actors did such a great job in making the reuinion so emotional.


I'm 33 and the description brings a tear to my eye. That scene and the final scene in Field of Dreams are the two scenes I can just think about and start to well up.


1. When the little girl is reunited with her parents
2. When shadow falls and he gives that speech
3. When Chance talks about finally feeling like a family.


Well I don't remember crying per se, but I remember the scene where Shadow ends up in the pit and can't get out tore me up as a kid, and made me so sad. I have not seen this movie since the 90's. I should probably revisit it.


Well I don't remember crying per se, but I remember the scene where Shadow ends up in the pit and can't get out tore me up as a kid, and made me so sad. I have not seen this movie since the 90's. I should probably revisit it.


I'm 32 now, saw this movie for the first time in theaters 20 years ago. I still get goosebumps when Shadow appears on the hill and says "Peter", then cry when they're reunited. Heck I'm getting tears now thinking of it! And when Sassy runs toward Chance and Shadow calling "my boys!" It's one of those old movies I'll always watch when it's on, and now I can share it with my 5yo son, who saw it for the first time a few days ago and loved it! :)



Shadow's "Man's Best Friend" speech.
