Wow. That's one small penis.

I'm a guy and I didn't see that many penises other than mine in my life. But is it just me or is GG Allin's penis really, really small?


It was quite tiny. Abnormally so. Made feel adequate.


I've only my own to compare and I thought he was rather well endowed.


I'm going to go out on a limb here and say GG probably didn't care. I mean seriously the guy is eating his own poop own stage. Do you really think he cares about what anyone though of his penis size?


Yes he had a balgina.

Just the tip?
Just the tip.
Just the tip!


The OP never said anything about if GG cared or not. He/she's wondering if they're alone in thinking he's got a small wiener. Of course GG didn't give a sh!t about his dick size.

I'll go out on a much stronger limb and say that his reckless behavior may have stemmed from "a little thing" called "small penis syndrome."

And to the OP -- yeah, that's a legit baby wang.





His nub is one the tiniest around. Infact, its too small to be a penis. Maybe he cut it in half or something. Its a cat penis.


It is indeedy the smallest knob that I've ever clocked! No wonder the poor chap was permanently enraged!!
PS. Does anyone else think that his drummer 'Dino' should've played 'Maggot' in AUMordum?!!
