Hott vs. Hott

Good topic for discussion here. Who's hotter? Ann-Margaret or Sophia Loren? MY vote is ....................Sophia Loren! The accent, the red dress with awesome cleavage, the walk, the ice cube......well you know what I'm saying. NO disrespect to Ann, she is also hott, but Sophia is hotter. Whats your opinion?


Hands down, Ann-Margret. As a young man, I was in love with Ann-Margret. My ex-wife was always jealous of Ann-Margret.

"It was a good day fighting."


Im in my 20's and Sophia Loren was hotter than Ann Margaret. By leaps and bounds IMHO.


As a straight woman, I say Sophia Loren, no contest! She is as gorgeous as she ever was; Ann Margaret is a bit plain to me, and what's with that weird stiff upper lip that never moves?!

Walk like it's for sale and the rent is due tonight- Miss Jay


lmao about the stiff upper lip...

Jeez, I'd have to say Sophia as well...Man that's a tough call.

These women are also known as cougars. Older sexy women!



In the 70's, Ann-Margret was rehearsing for a show and fell many feet off a stage and had to have many surgeries to get her face back to normal; I think that may explain the upper lip.
I'm only 16, but I have a thing for older women, and this question is my "Ginger or MaryAnn"? Both women were, and ARE sexier than most 20somethings, and after long cinsideration, I have to say Ann-Margret. Sophia Loren continues to be one of the most gorgeous women on Earth, but there's something about Ann.

" 'Tis very strange Men should be so fond of being thought wickeder than they are."


Wait 'til you see them with their clothes off, you'll change your mind.....reeeeal quick. The face can be surgically changed and caked with makeup, but there isn't much that can be done to disguise the ravages of age on the rest of the body.

And the correct answers are Sophia and Dawn. Not that I'd have ever said to to the other two. lol

This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.


Ann-Margaret, tho it's a tough choice! Loren is stunning but there's something naughty about Ann-Margaret, you'd have more of a good time with her for sure

The memories of a man in his old age are the deeds of a man in his prime


Ann-Margret! There's something about her eyes!


Wrong board eh? Shouldn't this discussion be in the "Grumpier Old Men" board?

Either way I prefer Ann-Margaret.


As a female, Sophia Loren. While Ann Margaret may be "sexier" Ms. Loren has more class.

That being said, I think they should've have made one more sequel..."Grumpiest Old Men" with Rachel Welch. Guys, what do you think?


I remember an interview with jack Lemon from 1999 talking about making a third grumpy movie but then Walter died in july 2000 and jack went a year later!


I'll roll in the snow with Ann Margaret ANY day --- At any age
