MovieChat Forums > Groundhog Day (1993) Discussion > Rita's "déja vu" comment

Rita's "déja vu" comment

What are we to make of that? Has some vague awareness of the time loop somehow bled over to her?



Nancy however was only in the loop with Phil once...


What do you mean "only once"?


Well, twice actually. With Nancy, Phil only had to reconnoiter once for info on Nancy's past and once more the next day when he ran into her again and "recognized" her from school then went home with her. With Rita, Phil probably spent dozens or hundreds of times in the loop trying without success to get Rita into the sack.


I always just assumed Phil went to Nancy for multiple visits even though its never shown on screen. Also, Phil spots Nancy at another time in the loop at the diner, saying she makes noises like a chipmunk, and also sees her at the theatre, so there was and would have been quite a few times she was in the loop with Phil at least in passing.


He might have "visited" her several times, this we don't know.

We do see Phil getting intimate with Nancy at her place at least that one time. Because of this, Phil would know she made noises like a chipmunk "when she get's really excited". All he had to do was visit her but once to recognize her later at the restaurant and walking by the theater, or anywhere in town for that matter.

Did Phil visit Nancy more than once because she was a guaranteed score? Maybe. Maybe he went back to Nancy after striking out with Rita for those dozens or hundreds of times.


Yeah I meant, that seeing her in passing still counted as her being in the loop more than once with Phil, but yes obviously there would be no real sense of deja vu.


Maybe she was in her own loop?




I don't think so. Whenever Phil tells her he's stuck reliving the same day over and over she tells him he's crazy and refuses to believe him. Later on after he's been reliving the same day a long time he's able to convince her by showing that he's talked to everyone in the town and has basic info about their lives. If she was having the same experience she wouldn't have been so doubtful he was reliving the same day over and over.
