
this is one of the better ones but why are the white people dubbed when they speak english?


great question, just saw this movie randomly on encore!action, and it was freakin sweet, but the voices were just soooooo priceless



Since most western characters were conversing with the asian characters, you have to be able dub the dialog at the same time so timing and reactoins are appropriate. You have to use the same voice for both the conversations and any other scenes, and not all actors are good at dubbing--it's an art to do well. So you use tyhe same cast of dubbers from start to finish regardless of the original actors' nationality. You also don't have to work around actors' schedules.


I bought the SONY DVD and there was no need for a Dub track in my opinion, the Japanese people spoke somewhat decent English throughout the film. I'd say about half of the film was in English.

My 1-18-08 forum:http://11808.17.forumer.com/

Rob, Have Fun In Japan


I prefer subtitles over dubbing anyday. Ruins the movie and acting with dubbing.


I completely agree.

I can't remember which Godzilla movie I watched recently and I made the mistake of putting it on the english track and oh dear it was awful, and the little kid in it's voice was so bloody annoying.


All of this is true, but also, you have to understand that often times, when the movie is dubbed, they have also made changes in the story as well. So in many cases, the dialogue needs to be changed to fit the story changes as well.
